Welcome CUSD Parents!
There are four (4) steps that need to be completed in order to successfully register your child for After School Sports.
This is a how-to video for each step of the the process. (Note: The videos contain NO audio.)
1. Complete the CUSD Tryout Waiver.
This MUST be done BEFORE your child can tryout for the team! A new form must be submitted each time you tryout for a sport.
* Cross-Country, Wrestling, and Track & Field have NO tryouts, please go to step #2
Tryout Waiver:
2. Create a TeamSideline account.
This should be done AFTER your child has made the team.
* Cross-Country, Wrestling, and Track are non-cut sports, so ALL eligible students who enroll and participate are on the team.
Create Account:
3. Add your child/children to your account
Add Child:
4. Enroll your child to a specific team, add the sport, choose your donation, then place the order
Enroll Student:
Add Sport to Cart:
Choose Donation: 
Place Order: 
Donation Based Athletics
Cupertino Union School District believes that extracurricular activities such as After School Sports constitutes an integral part of our students' education.
In order to continue to run the After School Sports Program at a consistent and high level and to maximize the benefit and enjoyment for your child, we rely primarily on contributions from the parents of the participants.
While payment is voluntary, and no student will be excluded from an activity because of a failure to do so, we ask each family to contribute for each sport the child participates in during the school year.
Your contribution to the After School Sports Program helps pay for uniforms, officials, coaches, and equipment.
It is important to understand that we may need to cancel or reduce the athletic programs we offer in the event we are unable to raise sufficient funds.
Average cost to the District is $154 per student per sport played.
Donation Levels include; $154, $200, $300, and Variable Amount Sponsor.
If you are interested in donating to the ValleyAthletic League with employer matching funds, we will provide documentation upon request for matching donations as needed.
In order to sustain the After School Sports Program, donations will not be refunded for student athletes who are are participating on teams and competing in the league.
We appreciate your continued support in helping our students participate in these after-school sports program. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
***If you forgot to make a donation while registering your child for an After School Sport, you may still make a donation by clicking here.