Practice Limitations

1.              No league games may be forfeited. Games must be played as scheduled unless changed by mutual agreement. Only inclement weather is a valid reason for rescheduling games.

2.              Practice sessions should not exceed two (2) hours in length.

3.              Practices and games are limited to four days per week (exceptions wrestling may practice 5 days a week all season, other teams may practice 5 days a week prior to the first league game).

4.              Practice includes: classification of players; instruction; issue of uniforms. Picture day does not count as practice, if the team does not conduct practice afterwards.

5.              Practice hours: It is recommended that practice hours be immediately after school – not before school or evening. (One practice session per day).

6.              Vacation (winter break, spring break, etc) holiday practices are to be held only on an optional/voluntary basis for players and coaches.

7.              Students should have a parent-permission card on file prior to participation in practice or game activities.

8.              Physical examinations are to be recommended prior to participation.

9.              Adequate insurance coverage is recommended prior to participation.