The VAL After-School Sports League provides opportunity for our community athletes to experience a variety of sports, interscholastic competition, team play and sportsmanship.
It is the goal of this league to provide an inter-school athletic program to as many students as possible. The program offers sport-specific instruction and reinforces the principles of self-esteem building, self-discipline and conscientious sportsmanship by student-athletes, coaches, referees, parents and administrators.
During this school year, there will be 11 middle schools participating in the VAL. These 11 schools come from four different school districts; Cupertino USD, Sunnyvale SD, Los Altos SD, and Mountain View Whisman SD. We are pleased with our continuing relationship with these schools, as it has provided us with a wide base of competition for our after school sports league.
School Athletic Director(s)
Blach Intermediate School - Paul Ramirez and Regina Sankey
Columbia Middle School - Maili Reynoso
Crittenden Middle School - Tapan Dave
Cupertino Middle School - Jonathan McMahan
Egan Junior High School - Can Huynh and Bryan Troyer
Graham Middle School - Nick Van Damme and Azucena Corral-Pinela
Hyde Middle School - Evan Blomquist
Kennedy Middle School - Larry Blair and Wade Nakamura
Lawson Middle School - Todd Butler and Jeren Jensen
Miller Middle School - Brian Yoshikawa
Sunnyvale Middle School - Juan Decali
League Chairman: Grady Wright and Mark Ollila