Suggested Coaching Duties

1.              Select a team, be available for questions from student athletes after a team has been selected

2.              Notify student and parents of practices and game schedule.

3.              Keep accurate attendance and award points.

4.              Turn in attendance and award totals at the end of each sports season.

5.              Report all game scores to sports chairman as soon as possible after the game.

6.              Carry a first-aid kit to all contests.

7.              Turn in all keys, uniforms, and equipment (after cleaning) at the end of the season.

8.              Be responsible for: Uniforms, equipment, awards, and transportation.

9.              Have all students return parent permission card prior to first game.

10.           Recommend physical examinations for all athletes.

11.           Attend all VJHSAL, division, and county coaches’ association meetings pertaining to their sport.

12.           Good sportsmanship is to be encouraged and practiced by all coaches, players and spectators.

13.           When time permits, extra periods of play should be provided for substitutes after regulation games have been completed. (Host schools responsible.)

14.           Scouting is discouraged in the VJHSAL. Coaches may not leave an assigned coaching duty in order to scout other teams. No exceptions.

15.           A coach visiting another school should keep his/her team with them at all times. Do not allow student-athletes to wander around campus, etc.

16.           Each coach should spend time on the importance of good sportsmanship with his/her team and review these standards as necessary during the season.

a.     No disputing of an official’s call either by word or action.

b.     No use of profanity or obscene gestures on/off the field of play, locker rooms, bus, etc.

c.     No commission of intentional or flagrant fouls.

d.     Teaching the fundamentals of FAIR play. Leave the “Things to get way with tricks” at home.

e.     No coach should allow his/her team to run up the score or embarrass another team in any way.

17.           Schools are responsible for providing their own official rule book for each sport.

18.           Proper attire should be worn by all coaches (no t-shirts advertising alcohol, smoking, etc.)