VAL Track & Field Rules

NFHS Rules shall be followed with the following modifications:

Track & field meets shall be conducted in accordance with the rules as defined in the National Federation Track & Field Rules Book.


Normal Order of Competition: 6, 7, 8

Order of Track Events;
- 400m Run (Limit 1 heat per division)
- 1600m Run
- 65m Hurdles (Limit 3 heats per division)
- 400m Relay
- 800m Run
- 100m Dash (Limit 3 heats per division)
- 1600m Relay

Field Events - Contested
Shot Put, Discus, Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump

Limitations to Field Events;
- Home team unlimited athletes per division.
- Away team allowed 9 athletes per division (Tri-Meets allow top 6).
- If a hosting school would like to add more throwers/jumpers, please inform the traveling school of your ability to host extra athletes at least 24 hours in advance.

Limitations to Hurdles and Sprinting Events;
- Sprinting and hurdle events will be limited by the host school to 3 heats per division.
- If a hosting school would like to add more heats, or allows extra heats without times, please inform the traveling school of your ability to host extra athletes at least 24 hours in advance.

Limitations to Individual Athletes;
- No individual athlete is allowed to compete in more than 4 total events in a specific track meet.


400 Meter Run

  • 400m will compete first, prior to the 1600m run and start promptly at 4pm.
  • There will only be 1 heat per division at regular season meets with only 6 lanes.
  • Dual meets will only allow top-3 runners from each division. Tri-meets will only allow top-2 runners from each division.
  • If possible to combine divisions/heats, please do so.
  • Times will be recorded to 2 decimal places (Ex. 59.14)

Distance Races; 1600m and 800m Run

  • Waterfall (curved) start.
  • Grades/genders can be combined to help with the pace of the meet.
  • Numbers of runners allowed to participate are unlimited in races prior to league finals.
  • Runners should be lined up closer to the inside of the track with each team being alternating their runners from faster to slower.

In Distance Races the following are some of the reasons that a starter could halt or recall the start: 

• Runners not steady

• Toes on the line

• Failure to come to the line in a timely manner

• Impeding a position of another athlete

• Fall during first 100 meters due to contact

Sprints; Hurdles and 100m Dash

  • Runners/teams will be limited to the number of lanes available at a given meet in each heat.
  • Sprinting and hurdle events will be limited by the host school to 3 heats per division.
  •  If a hosting school would like to add more heats, or allows extra heats without times, please inform the traveling school of your ability to host extra athletes at least 24 hours in advance.
  • Use of starting blocks recommended.
  • Runners should walk back to the finish line and wait in their lane to receive their positioning and time.

- False Starts - A false start occurs when the competitor leaves mark with: 

1. Hand or foot after the set command; 

• One or both feet leaving the starting block pedals 

• One of both hands leaving the ground 

2. With a forward motion without the starting device being fired.


- Disqualifications - Only 1 false start per race shall be allowed without the DQ of the athlete(s) responsible for the false start. Any athlete(s) responsible for future false starts shall be disqualified.


- Note - No video evidence from spectators, coaches, or athletes will be allowed for any false start decisions.


Hurdle Heights and Distances

Hurdle Height - 30 inches


Distance for spacing the 5 hurdles in the 65m hurdle event;

65m = Distance 14m from start line to the first hurdle and the last hurdle to the finish line. Distance 9.25m between each hurdle.


Relays; 400m and 1600m Relays

All runners must stay in their lane for 400m relay.


All 1st runners stay in their lane for 1600m relay. 2nd, 3rd and 4th runners can move in thereafter.


Disqualifications (DQ's)

Each race should have a monitor at each exchange zone to check for disqualifications. Passing the baton out of the exchange zone, impeding other runners, dropping the baton out of your lane and throwing the baton down after the finish are all examples of DQ’s.



The actual order of field events that are contested depend on the school hosting, helpers available and the facilities available at a given meet. Please let the visiting schools know ahead of time the order of events that are going to be run for field events in order to allow for an efficient meet.


Athletes must sign in to their events at the beginning of the meet.


If you leave for a track event, you must tell the field event judge before you leave in order to be allowed to re-enter the event.


Limitations to Field Events;
- Home team unlimited athletes per division.
- Away team allowed 9 athletes per division (Tri-Meets allow top 6).
- If a hosting school would like to add more throwers/jumpers, please inform the traveling school of your ability to host extra athletes at least 24 hours in advance.



The legal sector lines for all throwing events should be 34.92 (35) degrees.


Competitors are allowed to enter from anywhere into the circle; Competitors must exit from the back half or the circle.


Falling down and remaining inside the circle with the throwing implement shall not be judged a foul. Athletes are allowed to re-start their event without leaving the circle.


Measuring Legal Put/Throw

The measurement of a put/tow shall be from the nearest edge of the first mark made by the shot/discus to the inside edge of the toe-board. The measurement should have a line created by the tape measure that lies through the center point of the ring.


Tiebreaker Rules

  1. If the distance resulting from the best performance of competitors is identical, the higher place is awarded to the tying competitor whose second best performance is better from either the preliminary trials or the finals.

  2. If after (1.) the tie remains, the higher place is awarded to the tied competitor whose third-best performance is better than the third-best performance of any tied competitor, etc.

Throwing Fouls

It shall be a foul and not measured if, after entering the circle and starting the throw, the competitor:

  • Uses any method contrary to the definition of a legal throw;
  • The shot put drops below or behind the shoulder.
  • Cause the throwing implement to fall on or outside the sector lines.
  • Touches with any part of the body, before the throw is marked;
    1. Any surface of the metal band except the inside surface, or any of the marked ring if it is painted.
    2. Any surface of the toe-board except its inside surface.
    3. The area outside the circle.
  • Throw an implement that does not conform to the legal size/weight requirements.
  • Wear any illegal device or illegally taping the fingers together, so all fingers cannot move independently (Medical tape used for medical purposes are allowed)
  • Leave the circle from the front half, or before the head official indicates a fair throw.
  • (Note - Entering from any part of the ring is allowed)



The weight of the shot put shall be;

- 6 lbs. for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls as well as 6th and 7th boys. 

- 8 lbs. for 8th grade boys.


Legal Put

A legal put shall be made from within the circle without touching the top edge (raised or painted) of the circle or the top surface of the toe-board.


A legal put must be made from the shoulder with one hand only so that, during the attempt, the shot does not drop behind or below the shoulder. A competitor must start from a stationary position inside the circle.



The weight is 2.2 pounds


Legal Throw

A legal throw in the discus is on that is thrown from the circle into the legal sector. A competitor must start from a stationary position inside the circle.


Legal throws and measurements are the same for Discus as for Shot Put and is described in ‘Throwing Fouls’.




 Limitations to Jumping Events;

- Home team unlimited athletes per division.
- Away team allowed 9 athletes per division (Tri-Meets allow top 6).
- If a hosting school would like to add more throwers/jumpers, please inform the traveling school of your ability to host extra athletes at least 24 hours in advance.


  • If multiple takeoff lines are available, athlete’s should notify the scorer which line they are taking off from before their attempt. 
  • An athlete may step on the takeoff line, but not past it. If they pass it, it is recorded as an attempt and will equal no score (scratch). 
  • If there is a scratch, put an “X” on the scoresheet for that jump. 
  • The distance is recorded from the inside edge of the takeoff line (closest to the sandpit) to the inside edge of the closest touch in the sandpit by the athlete’s body (closest to the takeoff line). Placing a hand behind to catch themselves from falling backwards should be considered when recording their distance.
  • At least 2 scorers should be available for each jump attempt. One watching the takeoff line and the other scorer marking where the athlete lands in the sandpit. 
  • Each athlete should be allowed 3 attempts to perform their longest jump. 

Tiebreaker Rules

  • 1. If the distance resulting from the best performance of competitors is identical, the higher place is awarded to the tying competitor whose second best performance is better from either the preliminary trials or the finals. 

  • 2. If after (1.) the tie remains, the higher place is awarded to the tied competitor whose third-best performance is better than the third-best performance of any tied competitor, etc.


Same rules at long jump, but with addition to;

  • An athlete must use the “hop, step, jump” technique for their attempt to be recorded as a successful jump. Wrong technique will result in no score (scratch).


  • An athlete may attempt to clear the crossbar in any manner, provided their takeoff is from one foot. All of the athlete’s body must go over the crossbar.
  • An athlete is not recorded an attempt if they approach the crossbar, but do not cross over the plane of the crossbar. 
  • An athlete is permitted 1 minute for their attempt.
  • 2 inch increments
    • Tie breaker is 1 inch increment
  • An athlete is eliminated after 3 consecutive failed attempts.
  • An athlete may pass on a height at anytime, but may still be eliminated after receiving 3 unsuccessful attempts in a row. They will then be awarded the highest height they cleared. 
  • An athlete is awarded their highest cleared height.
  • Bar should never be lowered unless during a tie breaker for 1st place only

Starting Heights - High Jump

6th Girls - 3'6" (First Meet 3'4")

7th Girls - 3'8" (First Meet 3'6")

8th Girls - 3'10" (First Meet 3'8")

6th Boys - 3'10" (First Meet 3'8") 

7th Boys - 4'0" (First Meet 3'10")

8th Boys - 4’2" (First Meet 4’0")


- First Track Meet is 2 inches lower than normal.

- League Finals Track Meet adds 2 inches for all starting heights.


Tiebreaker Rules

  • 1. The competitor with the fewest number of trials for the height at which the tie occurs, i.e., the last height successfully cleared, shall be awarded the higher place. 
  • 2. If the tie still remains, the competitor with the fewest total number of unsuccessful trials throughout the competition, up to and including the height last cleared, shall be awarded the higher place. 
  • 3. Passed trials shall not count as misses. 
  • 4. If the tie remains after applying (1.) and (2.) and: 
    • (a) It concerns first place, the competitors tying shall make one more attempt at the height at which they failed. If no decision is reached, the bar shall be lowered in increments of 1 inch (2 cm) in the high jump. If two or more of the tying contestants cleared the height, the bar shall be raised by intervals of 1 inch (2 cm) in the high jump. Each competitor shall attempt one trial at each height until a winner is determined. 
    • (b) If all competitors eligible for a jump-off withdraw from the competition before the jump-off begins or at a height change, those competitors shall tie for first place, and any team points shall be added together and divided equally between the tying competitors. 
    • (c) The tie concerns any place other than first, the competitors shall be awarded the same place.


  • Team points (1st - 6th place). (10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1)
  • All top 8 finishers in Sectional & League Finals will receive recognition.

League Finals Qualifications for Relay Races;

  • Top 8 times per division (grade/gender). Only 1 team entry per school in each division.

League Finals Qualifications for 400m;

  • Top 2 runners from each school per division will have times entered.
  • The top 16 times will race in Semi-Finals on Day one.
  • Race one will have runners 9-16. Race two will have runners 1-8.
  • The top 8 overall times from the two races will advance to Finals on Day Two.
  • If a tie-breaker is needed amongst top 16 times to enter Semi-Finals, names will be drawn from a hat.
  • Note - not all 400m top placers at League Finals will advance to County Finals due to time qualifications.

League Finals Qualifications for 1600m, 800m, 100m, 65m Hurdles;

  • Top 3 athletes per school in each division.
  • For 100m Dash and Hurdles, the top 8 fastest qualifying times from the preliminary races will make it to the Finals.

League Finals Qualifications for all Field Events;

  • Top 3 athletes per school in each division.